We here at the National Mascot Association are excited for 2020! Our primary mission is to promote safety for both mascot performers and the fans with whom they interact. As we close out 2019, we are finalizing our Mascot Safety Guidelines into a standard of conduct we hope that organizations and their performers will agree is in everyone’s best interest for safety.
With this simple set of guidelines, our next step is to reach out to the mascot community at large. We want to see sports organizations, school athletic departments, and other groups that utilize mascots regularly adopt these guidelines. It is an important step in creating a culture of safety for both the performers and the fans.
In 2020, we will be launching our Membership Campaign. Both mascot performers and organizations will be eligible for membership. Stay tuned here on our website and on Facebook for more information on how to join!
The essential criterium for organizations to join is simple: adopt our Mascot Safety Guidelines!
Organizations that voluntarily adopt our guidelines will be eligible to join the National Mascot Association. It will serve as a public sign of commitment that the organization holds performer and fan safety as a top priority. Performers will appreciate the pledge to safety, and fans will know that the organization is looking out for them and the mascot!
In the meantime, between now and 2020, feel free to contact us for more information. We can’t wait to get everyone on board with better safety!
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